DPS 2020 42nd International Symposium on Dry Process


Abstract Guidelines

Abstract Submission Deadline: July16 July 23, 2021

It is will not be extended the abstract submission deadline at DPS2021.
Deadlines will be respected, hence early submission is encouraged.

Contributed papers must be in English and should report an original work. The total length, including figures and references, is two A4 format pages. Invited speakers should also prepare the abstracts that summarize their presentations. The contributions will be reproduced without reduction or modification. The authors are asked to use one of the following templates and to follow the guideline described in them. According to mention of the template, the presenting author’s name should be underlined. Contributed papers which do not conform to the format described in the templates may be rejected.

Each abstract should be submitted separately via the web site. Contribution submitted by email, fax, and conventional mail cannot be accepted. The submitted file must be a PDF document, and an abstract prepared using Microsoft Word should be converted to a PDF file. Please keep your file size below 3 MB.

As a general rule, each participant can make one presentation only. The deadline for receipt of two-page abstracts (contributed papers and invited papers) is July16 July 23, 2021. All contributed papers will be refereed by DPS Organizing Committee, and authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection of their abstracts by the middle end of September 2021, based on scientific quality. Accepted contributions and invited papers will be posted on the proceedings (Digital Contents) that will be distributed to the participants on the conference web site. No publication will occur, unless the registration fee, for at least the presenting or the corresponding author, is received on or before October 8, 2021.

abstract submission closed

If you have any problem in submitting your abstract online, please contact

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